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- Paper Folder

- 260gsm Art Card with Matt Lamination

Qty350mm x 510mm
Matt Lamination (1 side) 260gsm art card
Matt Lamination (2 side) 260gsm art card
4c + 0c
4c + 4c
4c + 0c
4c + 4c
100 167.9 254.1 167.9 254.1 200 184 268.3 193.3 277.7 300 198.3 284.4 226.3 312.5 400 221.9 308 259.3 345.5 500 247.3 331.7 294.2 378.4 600 296.1 382 327.5 412.2 700 319.8 406.5 360.8 445.9 800 343.5 431.1 394.3 479.7 900 367.2 455.5 427.6 513.4 1000 367.2 453.4 460.9 547 1100 395.2 482.9 498.2 585.9 1200 423.1 512.3 535.5 624.7 1300 451 541.7 572.8 663.4 1400 479 571 610.1 702.3 1500 506.9 600.5 647.4 741.1 1600 534.7 629.9 684.6 779.8 1700 562.6 659.3 721.9 818.5 1800 590.5 688.8 759.2 857.4 1900 618.5 718.2 796.5 896.2 2000 646.4 747.6 833.8 934.9
Qty350mm x 510mm
Matt Lamination (1 side) 260gsm art card
Matt Lamination (2 side) 260gsm art card
4c + 0c
4c + 4c
4c + 0c
4c + 4c
100 167.9 254.1 167.9 254.1 200 184 268.3 193.3 277.7 300 198.3 284.4 226.3 312.5 400 221.9 308 259.3 345.5 500 247.3 331.7 294.2 378.4 600 296.1 382 327.5 412.2 700 319.8 406.5 360.8 445.9 800 343.5 431.1 394.3 479.7 900 367.2 455.5 427.6 513.4 1000 367.2 453.4 460.9 547 1100 395.2 482.9 498.2 585.9 1200 423.1 512.3 535.5 624.7 1300 451 541.7 572.8 663.4 1400 479 571 610.1 702.3 1500 506.9 600.5 647.4 741.1 1600 534.7 629.9 684.6 779.8 1700 562.6 659.3 721.9 818.5 1800 590.5 688.8 759.2 857.4 1900 618.5 718.2 796.5 896.2 2000 646.4 747.6 833.8 934.9
Qty360mm x 510mm
Matt Lamination (1 side) 260gsm art card
Matt Lamination (2 side) 260gsm art card
4c + 0c
4c + 4c
4c + 0c
4c + 4c
273.2 391.9 302.4 421.2 400
304.3 422.7 339.5 457.9 500
334.2 453 376.3 495 600
364.2 482.7 412.6 531 700
394.3 512.6 448.9 567.3 800
424.3 542.9 485.6 604.4 900
454.5 573 523.1 641.5 1000
484.5 603.3 559.5 678.3
Qty371mm x 534mm
Matt Lamination (1 side) 260gsm art card
Matt Lamination (2 side) 260gsm art card
4c + 0c
4c + 4c
4c + 0c
4c + 4c
289.6 454.2 321.2 485.6 400
312.2 477.4 351.1 516.4 500
336.1 501 381.8 546.7 600
360.5 525.7 412.6 577.8 700
384.1 548.6 443.7 608.5 800
407 571.9 473.6 638.5 900
431.7 596.6 505.1 670 1000
455 619.4 535.1 700
Qty410mm x 614mm
Matt Lamination (1 side) 260gsm art card
Matt Lamination (2 side) 260gsm art card
4c + 0c
4c + 4c
4c + 0c
4c + 4c
322.3 498.7 361.9 538.1 400
352.3 528.7 401 577.1 500
382.2 558.8 440.3 616.5 600
412.9 589.1 479.3 655 700
443.3 619 518.6 694.3 800
473.3 649 556.8 732.9 900
503.3 679 596.6 772.3 1000
533.2 708.9 634.8 810.9
Qty420mm x 650mm
Matt Lamination (1 side) 260gsm art card
Matt Lamination (2 side) 260gsm art card
4c + 0c
4c + 4c
4c + 0c
4c + 4c
402.1 605.2 444.9 647.9 400
445.2 648.3 497.7 700.7 500
488.3 691.3 550.8 754 600
531.4 734.8 603 806.1 700
574.8 777.9 656.1 859.2 800
617.9 821 708.5 911.7 900
661 864.1 762.2 965.2 1000
704.4 907.5 814.6 1017.7
Qty420mm x 650mm
Matt Lamination (1 side) 260gsm art card
Matt Lamination (2 side) 260gsm art card
4c + 0c
4c + 4c
4c + 0c
4c + 4c
360.1 553.5 403.1 596.6 400
395.3 589.1 448.2 641.9 500
431.7 625.4 493.9 687.6 600
467.6 661.4 539.6 733.4 700
504.4 698.1 585.7 779.4 800
540.3 733.7 631.4 824.7 900
576.7 770 677.1 870.5 1000
612.6 806.1 723.2 916.6
- 260gsm Art Card with Gloss Lamination

Qty350mm x 510mm
Gloss Lamination (1 side) 260gsm art card
Gloss Lamination (2 side) 260gsm art card
4c + 0c
4c + 4c
4c + 0c
4c + 4c
100 162.2 248.4 162.2 248.4 200 178.4 262.7 185.8 270.2 300 192.6 278.8 215.1 301.3 400 214.3 300.7 244.3 330.5 500 237.9 322.3 275.4 359.7 600 260.1 344.7 305.1 389.8 700 282.1 367.2 334.6 419.7 800 304.3 389.8 364.2 449.7 900 326.4 412.2 393.9 479.7 1000 348.4 434.7 423.4 509.6 1100 374.6 462.2 457 544.7 1200 400.6 489.8 490.6 579.7 1300 426.6 517.4 524.1 614.8 1400 452.7 544.9 557.6 649.7 1500 478.7 572.4 591.1 684.8 1600 504.7 600 624.7 719.9 1700 530.8 627.5 658.2 754.9 1800 556.8 655 691.7 789.9 1900 582.9 682.6 725.2 824.9 2000 608.9 710.1 758.8 859.9
Qty350mm x 510mm
Gloss Lamination (1 side) 260gsm art card
Gloss Lamination (2 side) 260gsm art card
4c + 0c
4c + 4c
4c + 0c
4c + 4c
100 162.2 248.4 162.2 248.4 200 178.4 262.7 185.8 270.2 300 192.6 278.8 215.1 301.3 400 214.3 300.7 244.3 330.5 500 237.9 322.3 275.4 359.7 600 260.1 344.7 305.1 389.8 700 282.1 367.2 334.6 419.7 800 304.3 389.8 364.2 449.7 900 326.4 412.2 393.9 479.7 1000 348.4 434.7 423.4 509.6 1100 374.6 462.2 457 544.7 1200 400.6 489.8 490.6 579.7 1300 426.6 517.4 524.1 614.8 1400 452.7 544.9 557.6 649.7 1500 478.7 572.4 591.1 684.8 1600 504.7 600 624.7 719.9 1700 530.8 627.5 658.2 754.9 1800 556.8 655 691.7 789.9 1900 582.9 682.6 725.2 824.9 2000 608.9 710.1 758.8 859.9
Qty360mm x 510mm
Gloss Lamination (1 side) 260gsm art card
Gloss Lamination (2 side) 260gsm art card
4c + 0c
4c + 4c
4c + 0c
4c + 4c
268 386.8 290.8 409.5 400
296.7 415.2 324.9 443.3 500
325.6 444.4 359.7 478.5 600
354.5 472.9 393.5 511.9 700
383 501.4 427.1 545.6 800
411.8 530.6 461.2 580.1 900
441 559.5 495.7 614.2 1000
469.6 588.3 529.8 648.7
Qty371mm x 534mm
Gloss Lamination (1 side) 260gsm art card
Gloss Lamination (2 side) 260gsm art card
4c + 0c
4c + 4c
4c + 0c
4c + 4c
282.9 447.8 308.8 473.6 400
304.7 469.9 335.8 501 500
327.5 492 363.9 528.8 600
349.6 514.9 392 557.2 700
372.1 536.9 419.7 584.5 800
393.9 558.7 447 611.9 900
416.6 581.5 476 640.8 1000
438.4 603.3 503.3 668.2
Qty410mm x 614mm
Gloss Lamination (1 side) 260gsm art card
Gloss Lamination (2 side) 260gsm art card
4c + 0c
4c + 4c
4c + 0c
4c + 4c
314 490.5 346.3 522.3 400
342.5 518.6 381.1 557.6 500
370.6 547 417 593.6 600
399.8 576 452.7 628.8 700
428.3 604.1 488.6 664.8 800
456.4 632.5 523.9 699.7 900
484.9 660.6 559.8 735.6 1000
512.9 689.1 594.7 770.7
Qty420mm x 650mm
Gloss Lamination (1 side) 260gsm art card
Gloss Lamination (2 side) 260gsm art card
4c + 0c
4c + 4c
4c + 0c
4c + 4c
393.5 596.6 428 631 400
434.2 637.8 476.7 679.7 500
475.9 679 526.1 729.2 600
517.5 720.6 574.8 778 700
558.7 761.8 623.6 827 800
599.9 803 673 876.1 900
641.2 844.3 722 925.1 1000
682.7 885.8 771.2 974.3
Qty420mm x 650mm
Gloss Lamination (1 side) 260gsm art card
Gloss Lamination (2 side) 260gsm art card
4c + 0c
4c + 4c
4c + 0c
4c + 4c
351.4 544.9 386.4 579.3 400
384.5 578.6 427.2 620.9 500
419.3 613.1 469.2 662.9 600
453.4 647.5 511.5 705.2 700
488.2 682 553.5 747.3 800
522.3 715.7 595.9 789.2 900
556.8 750.1 637.4 830.7 1000
590.9 784.3 679.7 873.1
- 260gsm Art Card with UV Varnish

Qty350mm x 510mm
UV Varnish (1 side) 260gsm art card
S$ S$ 4c + 0c
4c + 4c
100 153.9 240.1 200 170 254.3 300 184.2 270.4 400 203.1 289.3 500 223.9 308.3 600 237.6 322.3 700 256 341 800 274.3 359.8 900 292.6 378.5 1000 320.3 406.5 1100 343.6 431.4 1200 366.9 456.1 1300 390.1 480.8 1400 413.3 505.5 1500 436.5 530.2 1600 459.8 555 1700 483.1 579.7 1800 506.2 604.4 1900 529.5 629.1 2000 552.7 653.8
Qty350mm x 510mm
UV Varnish (1 side) 260gsm art card
S$ S$ 4c + 0c
4c + 4c
100 153.9 240.1 200 170 254.3 300 184.2 270.4 400 203.1 289.3 500 223.9 308.3 600 237.6 322.3 700 256 341 800 274.3 359.8 900 292.6 378.5 1000 320.3 406.5 1100 343.6 431.4 1200 366.9 456.1 1300 390.1 480.8 1400 413.3 505.5 1500 436.5 530.2 1600 459.8 555 1700 483.1 579.7 1800 506.2 604.4 1900 529.5 629.1 2000 552.7 653.8
Qty360mm x 510mm
UV Varnish (1 side) 260gsm art card
S$ S$ 4c + 0c
4c + 4c
263.5 382.2 400
287.4 405.8 500
311.1 429.8 600
334.6 453.1 700
358.2 476.7 800
381.8 500.6 900
406.2 524.3 1000
429.8 548.6
Qty371mm x 534mm
UV Varnish (1 side) 260gsm art card
S$ S$ 4c + 0c
4c + 4c
290 455 400
305.8 471 500
323 487.9 600
339.9 505.1 700
356.8 521.6 800
373.2 537.8 900
390.1 555 1000
406.5 571.4
Qty410mm x 614mm
UV Varnish (1 side) 260gsm art card
S$ S$ 4c + 0c
4c + 4c
314.8 490.9 400
335.8 511.9 500
357.1 533.6 600
379.2 555 700
400.6 576.3 800
421.6 597.3 900
442.9 619 1000
464.2 640
Qty420mm x 650mm
UV Varnish (1 side) 260gsm art card
S$ S$ 4c + 0c
4c + 4c
390.8 594 400
424.6 627.7 500
458.7 661.8 600
492.4 695.5 700
525.7 728.8 800
559.5 762.6 900
593.6 796.6 1000
627.3 830.4
Qty420mm x 650mm
UV Varnish (1 side) 260gsm art card
S$ S$ 4c + 0c
4c + 4c
349.3 542.6 400
374.7 568.5 500
401.7 595.8 600
428.3 622.4 700
455.3 649.4 800
481.8 675.3 900
509.2 702.7 1000
535.8 728.8
- 260gsm Art Card without Finishing

Qty350mm x 510mm
260gsm art card
S$ S$ 4c + 0c
4c + 4c
100 139.8 226 200 155.8 240.2 300 170.2 256.3 400 184.4 270.6 500 200.4 284.8 600 215.2 299.7 700 229.7 314.8 800 244.3 329.8 900 258.9 344.7 1000 273.6 359.7 1100 292.1 379.8 1200 310.6 399.8 1300 329.2 419.9 1400 347.7 439.9 1500 366.4 460 1600 384.8 480.1 1700 403.3 500.1 1800 421.9 520.2 1900 440.4 540.2 2000 459.1 560.2
Qty350mm x 510mm
260gsm art card
S$ S$ 4c + 0c
4c + 4c
100 139.8 226 200 155.8 240.2 300 170.2 256.3 400 184.4 270.6 500 200.4 284.8 600 215.2 299.7 700 229.7 314.8 800 244.3 329.8 900 258.9 344.7 1000 273.6 359.7 1100 292.1 379.8 1200 310.6 399.8 1300 329.2 419.9 1400 347.7 439.9 1500 366.4 460 1600 384.8 480.1 1700 403.3 500.1 1800 421.9 520.2 1900 440.4 540.2 2000 459.1 560.2
- 260gsm Art Card with 1 Side Matt Lamination + 1 Side Spot UV

Qty350mm x 510mm
1 side matt +1 side spot+260gsm art card
S$ S$ 4c + 0c 4c + 4c 100 252.8 278.5 200 267.7 291.4 300 281.1 315.3 400 314.3 339.3 500 349.8 372.8 600 382.2 403 700 412.9 433.4 800 443.7 463.7 900 474.5 494.1 1000 505.2 524.4 1100 533 552.8 1200 560.8 581.2 1300 588.6 609.7 1400 616.5 638 1500 644.2 666.4 1600 672 694.8 1700 699.8 723.3 1800 727.5 751.7 1900 755.3 780.1 2000 783.1 808.6
Qty350mm x 510mm
1 side matt +1 side spot+260gsm art card
S$ S$ 4c + 0c 4c + 4c 100 252.8 278.5 200 267.7 291.4 300 281.1 315.3 400 314.3 339.3 500 349.8 372.8 600 382.2 403 700 412.9 433.4 800 443.7 463.7 900 474.5 494.1 1000 505.2 524.4 1100 533 552.8 1200 560.8 581.2 1300 588.6 609.7 1400 616.5 638 1500 644.2 666.4 1600 672 694.8 1700 699.8 723.3 1800 727.5 751.7 1900 755.3 780.1 2000 783.1 808.6
- 310gsm Art Card with Matt Lamination

Qty350mm x 510mm
Matt Lamination (1 side) 310gsm art card
Matt Lamination (2 side) 310gsm art card
4c + 0c
4c + 4c
4c + 0c
4c + 4c
100 173.5 259.7 173.5 259.7 200 191.5 277.7 200.9 287.1 300 207.5 293.8 235.7 321.9 400 234.9 319.3 272.4 356.7 500 260.4 346.6 307.2 393.5 600 286.6 372.9 342.9 429.1 700 312.9 399 378.4 464.6 800 339.2 425.3 414.1 500.3 900 365.3 451.6 449.7 535.9 1000 391.6 477.7 485.2 571.4 1100 421.4 509 524.5 612.1 1200 451.2 540.3 563.6 652.8 1300 481 571.7 602.8 693.4 1400 510.8 603 641.9 734.1 1500 540.5 634.3 681 774.8 1600 570.3 665.5 720.2 815.5 1700 600.1 696.8 759.3 856 1800 629.8 728.1 798.6 896.7 1900 659.7 759.4 837.7 937.4 2000 689.5 790.6 876.8 978
Qty350mm x 510mm
Matt Lamination (1 side) 310gsm art card
Matt Lamination (2 side) 310gsm art card
4c + 0c
4c + 4c
4c + 0c
4c + 4c
100 173.5 259.7 173.5 259.7 200 191.5 277.7 200.9 287.1 300 207.5 293.8 235.7 321.9 400 234.9 319.3 272.4 356.7 500 260.4 346.6 307.2 393.5 600 286.6 372.9 342.9 429.1 700 312.9 399 378.4 464.6 800 339.2 425.3 414.1 500.3 900 365.3 451.6 449.7 535.9 1000 391.6 477.7 485.2 571.4 1100 421.4 509 524.5 612.1 1200 451.2 540.3 563.6 652.8 1300 481 571.7 602.8 693.4 1400 510.8 603 641.9 734.1 1500 540.5 634.3 681 774.8 1600 570.3 665.5 720.2 815.5 1700 600.1 696.8 759.3 856 1800 629.8 728.1 798.6 896.7 1900 659.7 759.4 837.7 937.4 2000 689.5 790.6 876.8 978
Qty360mm x 510mm
Matt Lamination (1 side) 310gsm art card
Matt Lamination (2 side) 310gsm art card
4c + 0c
4c + 4c
4c + 0c
4c + 4c
287.1 412.2 315.9 441 400
320 445.2 355.2 480.4 500
351.8 476.7 394.2 519 600
384.8 509.6 433.5 558.4 700
417 542.3 472.2 597.3 800
449.7 574.8 511.1 636.2 900
482.2 607.1 550.8 675.7 1000
514.5 639.6 589.5 714.6
Qty371mm x 534mm
Matt Lamination (1 side) 310gsm art card
Matt Lamination (2 side) 310gsm art card
4c + 0c
4c + 4c
4c + 0c
4c + 4c
301.3 471.7 332.8 503.3 400
327.1 497.7 365.8 536.2 500
353 523.4 398.4 569.2 600
379.2 549.4 431.4 601.8 700
405.1 575.6 465 635.1 800
431 601.4 498 668.2 900
457.2 628 531 701.4 1000
483 653.1 563.2 733.8
Qty410mm x 614mm
Matt Lamination (1 side) 310gsm art card
Matt Lamination (2 side) 310gsm art card
4c + 0c
4c + 4c
4c + 0c
4c + 4c
339.5 522.7 378.8 562.5 400
372.9 556.8 421.2 605.2 500
405.8 589.8 463.5 647.6 600
439.2 623.2 505.5 689.5 700
473 656.5 547.9 731.5 800
506.2 689.9 590.2 773.8 900
539.2 722.9 632.1 815.8 1000
572.6 756.2 674.4 858.1
Qty420mm x 650mm
Matt Lamination (1 side) 310gsm art card
Matt Lamination (2 side) 310gsm art card
4c + 0c
4c + 4c
4c + 0c
4c + 4c
427.6 643.4 470.6 686.5 400
475.6 691.3 527.7 743.9 500
522.3 738.2 584.9 800.7 600
570.3 786.2 641.9 857.8 700
617.9 833.8 699.3 915.1 800
665.2 881.4 755.8 972.4 900
712.7 928.5 813.5 1029.4 1000
759.9 976.5 870.5 1086.7
Qty420mm x 650mm
Matt Lamination (1 side) 310gsm art card
Matt Lamination (2 side) 310gsm art card
4c + 0c
4c + 4c
4c + 0c
4c + 4c
383.4 587.9 426.1 631 400
423.4 627.7 476.3 680.5 500
463.5 668.5 525.7 730.7 600
504 708.2 576 780.1 700
544.9 749.8 626.1 831.1 800
584.9 789.6 676.4 880.7 900
625.4 830.1 725.8 930.8 1000
665.9 870.5 776.4 980.7
- 310gsm Art Card with Gloss Lamination

Qty350mm x 510mm
Matt Lamination (1 side) 310gsm art card
Matt Lamination (2 side) 310gsm art card
4c + 0c
4c + 4c
4c + 0c
4c + 4c
100 167.9 254.1 167.9 254.1 200 185.8 272 193.3 279.5 300 202 288.2 224.4 310.6 400 227.4 311.8 257.4 341.8 500 251 337.2 288.5 374.7 600 275.4 361.6 320.3 406.5 700 299.7 385.9 352.3 438.4 800 324.1 410.4 384.1 470.3 900 348.6 434.7 416 502.1 1000 372.9 459.1 447.7 534 1100 400.8 488.4 483.3 570.8 1200 428.7 517.9 518.6 607.8 1300 456.6 547.3 554 644.8 1400 484.5 576.7 589.5 681.7 1500 512.4 606.2 624.9 718.5 1600 540.3 635.5 660.2 755.5 1700 568.3 665 695.7 792.4 1800 596.2 694.3 731.1 829.3 1900 624.1 723.8 766.5 866.2 2000 652 753.1 801.9 903.1
Qty350mm x 510mm
Matt Lamination (1 side) 310gsm art card
Matt Lamination (2 side) 310gsm art card
4c + 0c
4c + 4c
4c + 0c
4c + 4c
100 167.9 254.1 167.9 254.1 200 185.8 272 193.3 279.5 300 202 288.2 224.4 310.6 400 227.4 311.8 257.4 341.8 500 251 337.2 288.5 374.7 600 275.4 361.6 320.3 406.5 700 299.7 385.9 352.3 438.4 800 324.1 410.4 384.1 470.3 900 348.6 434.7 416 502.1 1000 372.9 459.1 447.7 534 1100 400.8 488.4 483.3 570.8 1200 428.7 517.9 518.6 607.8 1300 456.6 547.3 554 644.8 1400 484.5 576.7 589.5 681.7 1500 512.4 606.2 624.9 718.5 1600 540.3 635.5 660.2 755.5 1700 568.3 665 695.7 792.4 1800 596.2 694.3 731.1 829.3 1900 624.1 723.8 766.5 866.2 2000 652 753.1 801.9 903.1
Qty360mm x 510mm
Matt Lamination (1 side) 310gsm art card
Matt Lamination (2 side) 310gsm art card
4c + 0c
4c + 4c
4c + 0c
4c + 4c
281.4 406.6 304.3 429.4 400
312.5 438.1 340.6 466.2 500
343.6 468.4 377.7 502.5 600
375.1 499.9 414.5 539.2 700
406.2 531.4 450.4 575.6 800
437.3 562.5 486.8 611.9 900
468.8 593.6 523.4 648.3 1000
499.6 624.7 559.5 684.6
Qty371mm x 534mm
Matt Lamination (1 side) 310gsm art card
Matt Lamination (2 side) 310gsm art card
4c + 0c
4c + 4c
4c + 0c
4c + 4c
294.9 465.5 320.7 490.9 400
319.7 489.8 350.7 520.9 500
344 514.9 380.8 551.3 600
368.3 538.8 410.8 580.8 700
393.5 563.6 441 611.2 800
417.9 587.9 471.4 641.9 900
442.2 613.1 501.4 672.3 1000
466.5 637.1 531.4 701.8
Qty410mm x 614mm
Matt Lamination (1 side) 310gsm art card
Matt Lamination (2 side) 310gsm art card
4c + 0c
4c + 4c
4c + 0c
4c + 4c
331.2 514.9 363.1 546.7 400
363.1 546.7 401.7 585.8 500
394.2 578.2 440.7 624.7 600
426 610.1 479.3 663.2 700
457.9 641.6 518.2 701.5 800
489.8 673.4 556.8 740.5 900
520.9 704.5 595.4 779 1000
552.7 736.3 634.4 818
Qty420mm x 650mm
Matt Lamination (1 side) 310gsm art card
Matt Lamination (2 side) 310gsm art card
4c + 0c
4c + 4c
4c + 0c
4c + 4c
418.9 634.8 453.4 669.2 400
464.6 680.5 507.1 722.9 500
510.1 725.8 560.2 776.1 600
556.1 772.3 613.8 829.7 700
601.4 817.6 666.6 882.4 800
647.1 863.8 720.3 936.4 900
692.5 908.8 773.4 989.6 1000
738.2 954.8 827 1043.2
Qty420mm x 650mm
Matt Lamination (1 side) 310gsm art card
Matt Lamination (2 side) 310gsm art card
4c + 0c
4c + 4c
4c + 0c
4c + 4c
374.7 579.3 409.2 614.2 400
412.5 617.2 455.4 659.9 500
451.1 656.2 501 706 600
489.8 694.3 547.9 752 700
528.7 733.7 593.9 799 800
567.3 771.6 640.4 845 900
605.2 810.1 685.8 890.7 1000
644.2 848.7 732.9 937.2
- 310gsm Art Card with UV Varnish

Qty350mm x 510mm
UV Varnish (1 side) 310gsm art card
S$ S$ 4c + 0c
4c + 4c
100 159.4 245.7 200 177.5 263.7 300 193.5 279.7 400 216.2 300.6 500 237 323.2 600 245.2 330.7 700 264.7 350.4 800 284.3 370.1 900 303.7 389.8 1000 344.7 431 1100 369.9 457.5 1200 395 484.2 1300 420 510.8 1400 445.2 537.4 1500 470.3 563.9 1600 495.3 590.6 1700 520.6 617.2 1800 545.6 643.8 1900 570.7 670.3 2000 595.8 697
Qty350mm x 510mm
UV Varnish (1 side) 310gsm art card
S$ S$ 4c + 0c
4c + 4c
100 159.4 245.7 200 177.5 263.7 300 193.5 279.7 400 216.2 300.6 500 237 323.2 600 245.2 330.7 700 264.7 350.4 800 284.3 370.1 900 303.7 389.8 1000 344.7 431 1100 369.9 457.5 1200 395 484.2 1300 420 510.8 1400 445.2 537.4 1500 470.3 563.9 1600 495.3 590.6 1700 520.6 617.2 1800 545.6 643.8 1900 570.7 670.3 2000 595.8 697
Qty360mm x 510mm
UV Varnish (1 side) 310gsm art card
S$ S$ 4c + 0c
4c + 4c
277.3 402.4 400
303.1 428.7 500
329.1 453.8 600
355.7 480.4 700
381.4 506.7 800
407.7 532.9 900
433.5 558.4 1000
459.5 584.5
Qty371mm x 534mm
UV Varnish (1 side) 310gsm art card
S$ S$ 4c + 0c
4c + 4c
302 472.2 400
320.7 491.2 500
339.9 510.4 600
358.6 529.1 700
378.1 548.2 800
396.9 567.3 900
416 586.5 1000
434.7 605.1
Qty410mm x 614mm
UV Varnish (1 side) 310gsm art card
S$ S$ 4c + 0c
4c + 4c
331.7 515.3 400
356 539.9 500
380.8 564.6 600
405.1 589.1 700
430.1 613.8 800
455 638.5 900
479.3 662.9 1000
503.6 687.2
Qty420mm x 650mm
UV Varnish (1 side) 310gsm art card
S$ S$ 4c + 0c
4c + 4c
416.3 632.2 400
455 670.7 500
492.8 708.6 600
531 747.3 700
568.8 784.7 800
606.7 823.3 900
644.9 860.7 1000
683.1 899.3
Qty420mm x 650mm
UV Varnish (1 side) 310gsm art card
S$ S$ 4c + 0c
4c + 4c
372.1 577.1 400
402.8 607.4 500
433.9 638.5 600
464.6 669.3 700
495.7 700.7 800
526.8 731.1 900
557.6 762.6 1000
589.1 793.3
- 310gsm Art Card without Finishing

Qty350mm x 510mm
310gsm art card
S$ S$ 4c + 0c 4c + 4c 100 145.4 231.5 200 163.4 249.6 300 179.5 265.6 400 197.5 281.8 500 213.6 299.7 600 230.4 316.6 700 247.3 333.5 800 264.2 350.4 900 281.1 367.3 1000 297.9 384.1 1100 318.4 406 1200 338.8 428 1300 359.2 449.9 1400 379.7 471.7 1500 400.1 493.7 1600 420.4 515.6 1700 440.8 537.6 1800 461.2 559.5 1900 481.7 581.4 2000 502.1 603.3
Qty350mm x 510mm
310gsm art card
S$ S$ 4c + 0c 4c + 4c 100 145.4 231.5 200 163.4 249.6 300 179.5 265.6 400 197.5 281.8 500 213.6 299.7 600 230.4 316.6 700 247.3 333.5 800 264.2 350.4 900 281.1 367.3 1000 297.9 384.1 1100 318.4 406 1200 338.8 428 1300 359.2 449.9 1400 379.7 471.7 1500 400.1 493.7 1600 420.4 515.6 1700 440.8 537.6 1800 461.2 559.5 1900 481.7 581.4 2000 502.1 603.3
- 310gsm Art Card with 1 Side Matt Lamination + 1 Side Spot UV

Qty350mm x 510mm
1 side matt +1 side spot+310gsm art card
S$ S$ 4c + 0c 4c + 4c 100 257.8 335.4 200 274.5 352.1 300 289.4 367 400 326.1 401.9 500 361.6 439.2 600 396.9 474.4 700 432.1 509.6 800 467.3 544.9 900 502.5 580.1 1000 537.8 615.3 1100 576.3 655.2 1200 614.9 695.3 1300 653.5 735.1 1400 692.1 775.1 1500 730.7 815 1600 769.3 854.9 1700 807.9 894.9 1800 846.5 934.8 1900 885.1 974.8 2000 923.7 1014.8
Qty350mm x 510mm
1 side matt +1 side spot+310gsm art card
S$ S$ 4c + 0c 4c + 4c 100 257.8 335.4 200 274.5 352.1 300 289.4 367 400 326.1 401.9 500 361.6 439.2 600 396.9 474.4 700 432.1 509.6 800 467.3 544.9 900 502.5 580.1 1000 537.8 615.3 1100 576.3 655.2 1200 614.9 695.3 1300 653.5 735.1 1400 692.1 775.1 1500 730.7 815 1600 769.3 854.9 1700 807.9 894.9 1800 846.5 934.8 1900 885.1 974.8 2000 923.7 1014.8
- Product Details
Product Specs 

Art Card

Art Card
Type Options 
Creasing line will be applied on all material. Orders will be delivered without folding.
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PF01 350mm x 510mm Self Locking Folder |
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PF02 350mm x 510mm Self Locking Folder with Capacity |
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PF03 360mm x 510mm Glued Pocket Folder |
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PF04 371mm x 534mm Self Locking Folder with Name Card Slot |
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PF05 410mm x 614mm Self Locking Folder with Two Pocket and Name Card Slot |
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PF06 420mm x 650mm 6 Page Folders with Capacity and Name Card Slot |
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PF07 420mm x 650mm 6 Page Folders with Name Card Slot |
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- Production Lead Time

- 8 days for Courier / delivery service.
- Inspiration

Hunting line +65 6797 0828 WhatsApp +6012 925 6409
Refer www.e-print.sg for the updated price. In case there is any price confilict between the printed catalog and
the website version shall prevail.