Home page > Product & Price list > Most Popular > Flyers & Leaflets > A4 Flyers & Leaflets
- Flyers & Leaflets

- Flyer & Leaflet (Simili Paper)

80gsm / 100gsm
Qty 4c+0 (Free Folding)
4c+4c (Free Folding)
(1 Sided Colour) (2 Sided Colour) S$ S$ 300 24 37.4 500 25.8 39.2 1000 32.1 42.3 2000 43.5 56.1 3000 56.8 69.5 4000 64.9 78 5000 82.1 97.3 6000 95.2 112.9 7000 113.2 133.3 8000 126.6 148.8 9000 143.9 168.2 10000 156.3 183.4 12000 201.8 226.5 16000 263.8 294.3 20000 317.8 376.8 24000 377.7 403.9 28000 438 465.3 30000 443.9 516.8 32000 457.9 526.9 36000 513.4 589.3 40000 557 650.3
Qty 4c+0 (Free Folding)
4c+4c (Free Folding)
(1 Sided Colour) (2 Sided Colour) S$ S$ 300 29.7 41.7 500 30.7 43.1 1000 39.2 46.7 2000 48.4 62.5 3000 67.8 80.1 4000 82.6 92.8 5000 101.2 114.6 6000 117.1 135.9 7000 138.2 161.9 8000 154.5 183.1 9000 172.5 203.9 10000 185.6 219.8 12000 213.1 287 16000 274.4 366.7 20000 336.5 448.6 24000 396.8 525.8 28000 455 602.8 30000 496.3 654.6 32000 512.7 680.3 36000 570.9 755.8 40000 629.4 831.7
T&C Apply
- Flyer & Leaflet (Art paper / Art Card)

Qty 4c+4c (Art Paper) (Free Folding)
(2 Sided Colour) S$ 10000 202.1 15000 298.5 20000 344.1 25000 416.2 30000 494.9 35000 578.1 40000 634.9
Qty 4c+0 (Art Paper) (Free Folding)
4c+4c (Art Paper) (Free Folding)
(1 Sided Colour) (2 Sided Colour) S$ S$ 300 28.8 41.9 500 30.2 44.7 1000 38.2 47.7 2000 48.4 61.2 4000 78.6 92.7 5000 98.3 115.2 8000 142.2 174.6 10000 170.1 209.2 12000 202.6 247.7 15000 253.8 309.1 16000 268 326.3 20000 323.5 375.5 24000 386.5 435.1 25000 404.7 454.5 28000 449.7 505.3 30000 481.3 540.9 32000 513.2 576 35000 562.9 631.6 36000 575.9 646.2 40000 639.5 700.8
Qty 4c+0 (Art Paper)(Free Folding)
4c+4c (Art Paper)(Free Folding)
(1 Sided Colour) (2 Sided Colour) S$ S$ 300 30.7 39.9 500 31.7 45.5 1000 41 49.1 2000 50.5 63.2 3000 70.6 82.2 4000 85.4 96.4 5000 106.9 117.5 6000 124.2 140.2 7000 146.4 167.3 8000 163.8 189.9 9000 182.4 212.4 10000 196.1 226.6 12000 233.2 244.5 16000 307.7 320.3 20000 390.6 452.5 24000 446.9 539.6 28000 505.5 577.6 30000 531.3 611.1 32000 558.1 629.7 36000 624.3 705.7 40000 692.4 782.6
Qty 4c+0 (Art Paper)(Free Folding)
4c+4c (Art Paper)(Free Folding)
(1 Sided Colour) (2 Sided Colour) S$ S$ 300 35.3 42.3 500 36.8 46.7 1000 44.5 51.2 2000 55.1 67.5 3000 76.9 88.6 4000 93.5 105.3 5000 114.3 127 6000 135.1 151.1 7000 160.9 178.6 8000 181.4 201.6 9000 205.4 228.4 10000 224.4 249.2 12000 269.7 273.2 16000 354.6 356.4 20000 434 499.8 24000 519.1 574.9 28000 603.1 650.1 30000 636.5 687.8 32000 666.2 710.7 36000 746.2 793.3 40000 826.8 876.9
Qty 4c+0 (Art card) 4c+4c (Art card) (1 Sided Colour) (2 Sided Colour) S$ S$ 300 47 59.3 500 49.7 62.8 1000 69.2 75.3 2000 95.7 116.5 3000 134.8 153.6 4000 177.9 187.8 5000 220.2 231.5 6000 271.4 294.1 7000 303.1 342 8000 341.5 386.9 9000 374 429.5 10000 417.8 459.5
Qty 4c+0 (Art card) 4c+4c (Art card) (1 Sided Colour) (2 Sided Colour) S$ S$ 300 54.4 70.9 500 56.2 72.7 1000 76.8 86.9 2000 106.1 134.5 3000 162.6 176.4 4000 199.7 209.1 5000 245 256.7 6000 312.1 303.1 7000 349.3 350 8000 396.4 396.4 9000 424.6 442.9 10000 468.8 488.6
- Flyer & Leaflet (Matt Art paper / Art Card)

Qty 4c+0 (Matt Art Paper)
4c+4c (Matt Art Paper)
(1 Sided Colour) (2 Sided Colour) S$ S$ 300 33.6 39.9 500 35.3 47 1000 45.9 54.4 2000 55.1 73.9 3000 79.4 109.1 4000 95.7 112 5000 118.2 135.9 6000 138.7 156.5 7000 156.7 175.7 8000 173.2 189.9 9000 191.6 212.8 10000 206.4 226.6 12000 233.2 244.5 16000 307.7 320.3 20000 390.6 452.5 24000 446.9 539.6 28000 505.5 577.6 30000 531.3 611.1 32000 558.1 629.7 36000 624.3 705.7 40000 692.4 782.6
Qty 4c+0 (Matt Art Paper)
4c+4c (Matt Art Paper)
(1 Sided Colour) (2 Sided Colour) S$ S$ 300 40.6 42.3 500 42 49.7 1000 51.6 57.3 2000 64 78.4 3000 89.7 116.2 4000 107 121.8 5000 132 146.9 6000 150.8 169.8 7000 174.4 190.7 8000 196.2 211.2 9000 220.2 228.4 10000 238.2 249.2 12000 269.7 273.2 16000 354.6 356.4 20000 434 499.8 24000 519.1 574.9 28000 603.1 650.1 30000 636.5 687.8 32000 666.2 710.7 36000 746.2 793.3 40000 826.8 876.9
Qty 4c+0 (Matt Art card) 4c+4c (Matt Art card) (1 Sided Colour) (2 Sided Colour) S$ S$ 300 54.4 69.2 500 57.6 73.1 1000 80.5 87.7 2000 110.8 134.5 3000 156 178.3 4000 191 216.8 5000 235.8 258 6000 271.4 301.1 7000 303.1 343.8 8000 341.5 386.9 9000 374 429.5 10000 427.3 459.5
Qty 4c+0 (Matt Art card) 4c+4c (Matt Art card) (1 Sided Colour) (2 Sided Colour) S$ S$ 300 54.4 70.9 500 56.2 72.7 1000 105.3 112 2000 149.8 159.7 3000 192.8 216.8 4000 248.2 263.1 5000 286.3 302.2 6000 340.3 359.1 7000 356.5 390.1 8000 408.1 481.2 9000 486.1 512.2 10000 514.3 558.2
T&C Apply
- Product Details
Size: A4 ( 210mm x 297mm ) | Cut to Size |
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Half Fold (F1) Cross Fold (F2) Gate Fold (F5) Letter Fold (F7) Accordion Fold 2 / Z Fold 2 (F8)

Folding | |
Available for paper material 80gsm - 157gsm |
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Creasing Line | Creasing Line + Folding |
Available for paper material 128gsm - 310gsm |
Available for paper material 128gsm - 310gsm |
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Applicable for Paper Material 157gsm and above

Spot UV
128gsm Art Paper
and above

Additional Finishing 
Available for 80gsm - 310gsm |
Available for 80gsm - 310gsm |
Available for 80gsm - 157gsm |
Available for 80gsm - 310gsm |
Punch Hole | Cutting | Padding | Perforation Line |
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Hunting line +65 6797 0828 WhatsApp +6012 925 6409
Refer www.e-print.sg for the updated price. In case there is any price confilict between the printed catalog and
the website version shall prevail.